Nvidia OpenGL Configuration mini-HOWTO

Robert B Easter

Revision History                                                             
Revision v1.9            2001-03-20           Revised by: rbe                

This mini-HOWTO is about how to install the [http://www.opengl.org/] OpenGL
drivers for [http://www.nvidia.com/] Nvidia graphics cards on [http://
www.linux.org/] Linux. In addition to just installing the Nvidia drivers,
this mini-HOWTO also explains how to install [http://www.XFree86.org/]
XFree86, the OpenGL Utility library (part of [http://www.mesa3d.org/] Mesa),
the OpenGL Utility Toolkit ([http://reality.sgi.com/mjk/glut3/] glut), the
full set of OpenGL manpages, [http://www.trolltech.com/] Qt and its OpenGL
extension, and [http://www.blackdown.org/] Java and its Java 3D extension so
that a user can have a complete runtime and development environment for
OpenGL applications on Linux.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
    1.1. New Versions of this Document
    1.2. Copyright and Licenses
    1.3. Disclaimer
2. Download the software packages
    2.1. Linux Kernel >= 2.2.12 Required
    2.2. XFree86 4.0 or later
    2.3. OpenGL man pages
    2.4. Mesa 3D
    2.5. Qt
    2.6. NVIDIA drivers (Mesa libGL replacement)
    2.7. Java 2 SDK, Java 3D extension, and Java PlugIn for Netscape
3. Install Software
    3.1. Install XFree86
    3.2. Install Mesa
    3.3. Install Nvidia OpenGL drivers
    3.4. Install Qt
    3.5. Install GLUT 3.7 Distribution (optional)
    3.6. Install Java 3D (optional)
4. Final Comments
A. GNU Free Documentation License
    How to use this License for your documents

1. Introduction

1.1. New Versions of this Document

The latest version of this mini-HOWTO can be found at:

[http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Nvidia-OpenGL-Configuration/] http://

1.2. Copyright and Licenses

    Copyright (c) 2001 Robert B. Easter. Permission is granted to copy,
    distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free
    Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the
    Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover
    Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in
    the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
1.3. Disclaimer

No liability for the contents of this documents can be accepted. Use the
concepts, examples and other content at your own risk.

All copyrights are held by their respective owners, unless specifically noted
otherwise. Use of a term in this document should not be regarded as affecting
the validity of any trademark or service mark.

Naming of particular products or brands should not be seen as endorsements.

2. Download the software packages

2.1. Linux Kernel >= 2.2.12 Required

First of all, the OpenGL drivers for the Nvidia cards currently require a
system with Linux kernel 2.2.12 or later. Release versions of kernel 2.4.x
are supported. If you don't have it, then you will have to upgrade your
system's Linux kernel; see [http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO.html]
The Linux Kernel HOWTO for details.

The Linux kernel can be downloaded at: [http://www.kernel.org/] http://

2.2. XFree86 4.0 or later

XFree86 4.0 or later, preferably 4.0.2 as of this writing, is also required.
Its installation will be covered later.

XFree86 source code comes in three files:


Doctools is something it uses to prepare the X documentation. Binary
distributions of XFree86 are available for many platforms and can be used
instead of compiling the sources. This howto talks about compiling the

[ftp://ftp.xfree86.org/] ftp://ftp.xfree86.org/

XFree86 includes [http://www.sgi.com/software/opensource/glx/] GLX, the
OpenGL X interface functions. Each window system has to provide the
platform-specific interfaces between OpenGL and the window system for mapping
a GL rendering context to a window system widget.

2.3. OpenGL man pages

XFree86 comes with only the GLX man pages. If you want a full set of OpenGL
man pages, you have to get them yourself.

��*�manglx.tar.Z (don't need this one)

[ftp://ftp.sgi.com/sgi/opengl/doc/] ftp://ftp.sgi.com/sgi/opengl/doc/

These man pages are in a format ready to be unpacked into the XFree86 source
distributions, see below.

2.4. Mesa 3D


[http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/] http://mesa3d.sourceforge.net/

Mesa is the library that provides the foundation for the 3D support included
in XFree86, which comes only with the libGL OpenGL core library component.
Mesa is a software renderer. To enable hardware accelerated performance, many
3D hardware manufacturers provide a drop-in replacement for Mesa's standard
software-only libGL rendering library. For this document, we are only
interested in NVIDIA's libGL drop-in replacement library.

MesaLib provides a software OpenGL implementation consisting of libGL. It
also provides libGLU (GL Utility). libGLU is a library built on top of libGL
to provide some higher-level functions for applications. OpenGL itself,
libGL, is considered a low-level library. GLU is a standard part of most
OpenGL installations and many programs make use of it.

MesaDemos provides many OpenGL demo programs and, more importantly, the
[http://www.opengl.org/developers/documentation/glx.html] GL Utility Toolkit
(libglut) library. GLUT provides a window system independent interface
between OpenGL and any supported window system. For instance, on the X Window
System, it hides the details of using glX functions to setup a window.
Programmers can write code once and can compile it to work on MS Windows or
X, etc provided that a GLUT library is available on the target platform. Like
libGLU, libglut is a standard part of most OpenGL installations and is
required by many programs even though it is not packaged with XFree86.

While GLUT is bundled with MesaDemos, it is also available as a separate
package from its original project website:

glut-3.7.tar.gz glut_data-3.7.tar.gz

[http://reality.sgi.com/mjk/glut3/] http://reality.sgi.com/mjk/glut3/

You may use either the GLUT included with MesaDemos (preferred and easier) or
the GLUT from its project website. Don't install both! It's recommended at
this time to go with the GLUT packaged with MesaDemos, but instructions on
how to install the other GLUT are still provided in the next section as an
option. Note that MesaDemos does not include the glut manpages, so you may
want to download the project GLUT package just to install its manpages.

2.5. Qt

qt-x11-2.2.4.tar.gz or later version

[http://www.troll.no/] http://www.troll.no/

Qt is a cross-platform GUI library that makes it easy to create X
applications with standard GUI elements (widgets) like menubars, scollbars,
dropdown lists, checkboxes, buttons, multiple document interface, and many
other GUI things. Using Qt, a program can be compiled for both MS Windows and
X without changing any code. Its a very popular GUI library and is used to
create the core libraries of KDE ([http://www.kde.org/] http://www.kde.org/).

Qt has functions (previously as an extension in $QTDIR/extensions/opengl) for
OpenGL that provides for creating OpenGL rendering contexts in Qt windows.
This provides some alternative to both GLUT and using the glX functions
directly, plus the added benefit of full access to the excellent qt widgets
and cross-platform portability.

This is useful if you want to compile or develop programs based on Qt (e.g.,
KDE2 and its apps).

2.6. NVIDIA drivers (Mesa libGL replacement)


Note that XFree86 4.0.1 and later is required with driver 0.9-6 and later. If
you have XFree86 4.0.0, then you'll have to download the older 0.9-4 version.

[http://www.nvidia.com/] http://www.nvidia.com/

    Tip: See the updated faq at Nvidia.com while you are downloading. It may
    have some important information not in this HOWTO.
The NVIDIA drivers provide a kernel driver: /lib/modules/2.2.16/video/
NVdriver and libGL.so and libGLcore.so files that go into /usr/lib/ to
replace and Mesa ones that might be in there. libGL.so is OpenGL. These files
are Nvidia's own hardware accelerated OpenGL implementation.

2.7. Java 2 SDK, Java 3D extension, and Java PlugIn for Netscape (optional)

The following files are available at [http://www.blackdown.org/] http://


Note that to install these Java files, your system needs to have glibc 2.1.3
or better. To check your version of glibc:
                ls -l /lib/libc*                                             
On rpm-based systems (like RedHat and Mandrake), you can try:
                rpm -q glibc                                                 

Java2 1.3.0 FCS can also be used and it includes the JavaPlugin. If you use
it, you don't have to get JavaPlugin-1.2.2-FCS. Installation of this Plugin
is different and you'll have to see its documentation. Installation of Java2
1.3.0 itself, and Java3D, is the same as with Java2 1.2.2.

The [http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/3D/index.html] Java 3D media
extension contains many 3D demo programs/applets and takes advantage of the
OpenGL hardware acceleration on the system. The Java 3D API uses the OpenGL
API internally. The demos run as normal Java applications and also as applets
inside Netscape (4.7x) via the Java PlugIn, or inside [http://www.kde.org/]
KDE's [http://www.konqueror.org/] Konqueror 2.1 or later!

3. Install Software

3.1. Install XFree86

Installation of the software packages requires root login, which can be
obtained easily via the superuser/setuser command: su - (see, man su).

If you have a version of XFree86 installed already, you may want to move it
or delete it. However, installing over an existing X is generally OK and
preserves any programs or libraries you might have installed into the X
directories (not that you should really do that):
        cd /usr                                                              
        mv X11R6 X11R6-old                                                   
        cd /etc                                                              
        mv X11 X11-old                                                       
        -- you may have an X directory in /var also                          
        cd /var                                                              
        mv X11R6 X11R6-old                                                   

If these locations are not correct for your distribution of Linux, you will
have to look around your filesystem a bit - try looking in /var

        cd /usr/src                                                          
        mkdir release                                                        
        cd release                                                           
        tar -xvzf X402src-1.tgz                                              
        tar -xvzf X402src-2.tgz                                              
        tar -xvzf X402src-3.tgz                                              
        tar -xvzf doctools-1.2.tar.gz                                        
        -- unpack the man pages (actually, glx pages are already present)    
        cd /usr/src                                                          
        tar -xvzf mangl.tar.Z                                                
        tar -xvzf manglu.tar.Z                                               

A file has to be edited to allow these man pages to compile/install with the
rest of the distribution:
        cd /usr/src/release/xc/doc/man/GL                                    
        Edit the file: Imakefile                                             
                SUBDIRS = glx gl glu                                         

When you unpacked the man*.tar.Z files above, two new directories where
added: gl glu

        cd /usr/src/release                                                  
        cd doctools                                                          
        -- Having this variable set confuses the sgml docs build.            
        -- With it unset, the build uses the proper defaults.                
        unset $SGML_CATALOG_FILES                                            
        make install                                                         
        -- Note: doctools installs the perl program sgmlfmt to               
        -- /usr/local/bin.  It looks for the perl executable                 
        -- at /usr/local/bin/perl.  If perl is installed                     
        -- on your system at /usr/bin/perl, then it will not                 
        -- find perl and the sgml docs build will fail!                      
        -- Make a symlink if needed (or edit the script):                    
        cd /usr/local/bin                                                    
        ln -s /usr/bin/perl perl                                             
        cd /usr/src/release                                                  
        cd xc/config/cf                                                      
        vi host.def                                                          
        -- add the following three lines to host.def:                        
        --      #define HasSgmlFmt YES                                       
        --      #define BuildAllDocs YES                                     
        --      #define HasZlib YES                                          
        -- See the README file in doctools and xc/config/cf.                 
        -- HasZlib YES instructs XFree86 not to build and install            
        -- it's own old zlib.  If you do not have zlib installed             
        -- (check /usr/lib/libz*), then omit the HasZlib line or             
        -- go download it and install it first:                              
        --       http://www.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/zlib/                   
        -- A common zlib conflict occurs when a system already               
        -- has zlib installed and XFree86 installs it's also.                
        -- In this case, deleting /usr/X11R6/lib/libz.a fixes                
        -- the problem.                                                      
        cd /usr/src/release/xc                                               
        make World                                                           
        -- before installing, make sure you have moved                       
        -- or deleted prior installation of X                                
        -- unless you are sure you want to just overwrite                    
        make install                                                         
        make install.man                                                     
        -- make symlinks                                                     
        cd /usr/include                                                      
        ln -s ../X11R6/include/DPS DPS                                       
        ln -s ../X11R6/include/GL GL                                         
        ln -s ../X11R6/include/X11 X11                                       
        ln -s ../X11R6/include/bitmaps bitmaps                               
        cd ..                                                                
        ln -s X11R6 X11                                                      

Add /usr/X11R6/lib to your /etc/ld.so.conf file, then run the command 
ldconfig to update /etc/ld.so.cache so the libraries will be visible.

The GL/GLX/GLU HTML documentation is located at /usr/src/release/xc/doc/
hardcopy/GL. This directory can be copied as follows:
                cd /usr/src/release/xc/doc/hardcopy                          
                cp -r GL /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/html                         
The index.html file in the docs points to manindex5x.html, but the filename
may actually be manindex5.html. Just make a symlink to fix it:
                cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/html                               
                ln -s manindex5.html manindex5x.html                         

When X is up and running (later), try using the xman program to see that the
gl,glx,glu and glut man pages are in section 3. If you have KDE2, khelpcenter
allows man-page browsing.

3.2. Install Mesa

Note: This gives you the libGLU* and libglut* files that are missing in 
XFree86. XFree86 only comes with the OpenGL core library, libGL (based on
Mesa). This also installs Mesa's libGL, but we will delete that since it is
to be replaced by the Nvidia libGL.

It's best to uninstall any old Mesa version you may have installed before
installing a new Mesa. Uninstalling software can be a dangerous operation, so
know what you are doing!

To completely uninstall any Mesa libs that may have come with Slackware:
                removepkg mesa                                               
For rpm-based systems (like RedHat and Mandrake), try:
                -- see what will be removed first                            
                rpm -e --test Mesa | less                                    
                -- if ok, proceed                                            
                rpm -e Mesa                                                  
For Debian, you can try:
                apt-get remove Mesa                                          
Procedures vary for other distributions. If there is no clear way to
uninstall an existing Mesa, then at least confirm where it is installed:
normally either under /usr or /usr/local. The example below assumes that Mesa
is installed (or going to get installed) under /usr. Installing over an old
version is probably harmless. Look for /usr/lib/libMesa* or /usr/local/lib/
libMesa* and delete them unless you have programs that need them.

        -- IF you are going to use the project GLUT distribution of GLUT, then  
        -- unpack the Glut-3.7 packages ...                                     
        -- Mesa's compile looks for it                                          
        cd /usr/src                                                             
        tar -xvzf glut-3.7.tar.gz                                               
        tar -xvzf glut_data-3.7.tar.gz                                          
        -- IF you are using this GLUT, use the --with-glut=/usr/src/glut-3.7    
        -- parameter with Mesa's ./configure below in addition to the --prefix  
        cd /usr/src                                                             
        tar -xvzf MesaLib-3.4.tar.gz                                            
        tar -xvzf MesaDemos-3.4.tar.gz                                          
        cd Mesa-3.4                                                             
        ./configure --prefix=/usr                                               
        make install                                                            

At this point, Mesa installed its own version of the glx.h include files over
the ones that XFree86 installed. This will cause some programs to fail to
compile and is corrected by copying the XFree86 GL include files from the X
source back to your system:
        cp /usr/src/release/xc/include/GL/*.h /usr/X11R6/include/GL          

3.3. Install Nvidia OpenGL drivers

        -- delete the libGL.* files that come with XFree86 / Mesa 3.4 ...    
        -- the nvidia libGL.* should replace them                            
        cd /usr/X11R6/lib                                                    
        rm libGL.*                                                           
        cd modules/extensions                                                
        rm libGL*                                                            
        rm libglx*                                                           
        cd /usr/lib                                                          
        rm libGL.*                                                           
        cd /usr/src                                                          
        tar -xvzf NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-769.tar.gz                               
        tar -xvzf NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769.tar.gz                                  
        cd NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-769                                             

    Tip: If you experience problems starting X, see the files
    TNT_USERS_README and M64_USERS_README. These files explain how to tweak
    the kernel driver. They were written to fix problems with TNT and TNT2
    M64 cards but these tweaks are reported to help the GeForce2 MX also. Try
    bypassing the BIOS as explained in M64_USERS_README.
        cd ..                                                                          
        cd NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769                                                          
        -- Make a basic XF86Config file using the "nv" driver:                         
        cd /etc/X11                                                                    
        -- Follow the prompts and fill in the information xf86config asks for.         
        -- Select the Nvidia GeForce or appropriate name.                              
        -- You can test X with this XF86Config file, or continue for OpenGL:           
        -- You must edit XF86Config and set the following:                             
        vi XF86Config                                                                  
                Load "glx"                                                             
                Replace 'driver "nv"' with 'driver "nvidia"'                           
                Put "1600x1200" first (or your preferred screen resolution)            
                Copy ttf fonts from Windows into a font directory and add a font path. 
                Use ttmkfdir (check freshmeat.net) to a fonts.dir file.                
                A good place to keep your own fonts is /usr/local/share/fonts ...      
        -- Nvidia drivers do NOT use the dri module - don't load it.                   
        -- You may like to edit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc to have run "startkde"          
        -- or "gnome-session" instead of twm.                                          
        -- Note: /usr/include/GL should be a symlink to /usr/X11R6/include/GL          

Specifying "nvidia" for the driver in the XF86Config makes that take effect
each time you startx. But the NVdriver kernel driver will have to be loaded
each time your system boots using:
                insmod NVdriver                                              
You can place this command in one of the system startup files, like /etc/rc.d
/rc.modules. But this may not be necessary if the following line is present
in /etc/modules.conf (or conf.modules):
                alias char-major-195 NVdriver                                
If this line is present, NVdriver is loaded automatically when X is started
(autoclean). You can check if its loaded using the command, lsmod.

3.4. Install Qt

        -- for Qt, there is no "make install", just place the source         
        -- where you want it to live:                                        
        cd /usr/local                                                        
        tar -xvzf qt-x11-2.2.4.tar.gz                                        
        ln -s qt-2.2.4 qt                                                    
        cd qt                                                                

Read the INSTALL file about environment variables to setup before you try to
build Qt. You can add the following to /etc/profile:
                export QTDIR PATH MANPATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH                    
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is optional if you include an entry in /etc/ld.so.conf for
the library path: /usr/local/qt/lib, then run ldconfig to update /etc/

        -- note: configure has some options you can try, to see them                     
        -- see ./configure --help                                                        
        -- NOTE: when you run make as suggested on the next line, you may                
        -- encounter a make error that halts the build IF you run make                   
        -- from outside X.  The program $QTDIR/bin/uic (the User Interface Compiler)     
        -- may Segmentation Fault when run from a Linux console.  You can run            
        -- "startx" and use the twm (tiny window manager) and xterm (or whatever you     
        -- might have setup for X) to run the rest of the Qt build.  If for some         
        -- reason twm is not even available, then you can run "XFree86 &", use           
        -- "CTRL-ALT-F1" to get to a console, start an xterm as                          
        --  "xterm -display localhost:0.0 &", then switch back to X with "ALT-F7".       
    -- Only for old versions of Qt before 2.1.0 or so ...                                
        -- compile the opengl extension                                                  
        -- Note that in qt 2.2.0 on, the OpenGL support has been moved out of extensions 
        -- and is now a standard part of the library that is installed if configure      
        -- finds OpenGL installed on your system.  If you were to not want OpenGL        
        -- support in Qt, you'd have to pass the -no-opengl option to configure.         
        cd extensions/opengl/src                                                         
        -- Check the Makefile and ensure there are not Mesa references.                  
        cd ../examples                                                                   
        -- Try compiling and running the examples.                                       

3.5. Install GLUT 3.7 Distribution (optional)

If you installed the MesaDemos package along with the Mesa 3.4, then you have
already installed GLUT 3.7 since it is included with MesaDemos. However, you
may be interested in installing the GLUT manpages and you can skip right to
the "Install GLUT manual pages", below ...

Installing GLUT is a bit tricky. I'm not too familiar with imake, the program
that it uses to manage the Makefiles, and didn't quite see how to get GLUT to
install to where I wanted it (/usr/lib, but MesaDemos will do this without
any trouble though). It can be done manually anyhow:

        cd /usr/src                                                          
        tar -xvzf glut-3.7.tar.gz                                            
        cd glut-3.7                                                          
        Read the file: README.linux                                          
        cd linux                                                             
        READ the file: README                                                
        cp Glut.cf ..                                                        
        cd ..                                                                
        Edit Glut.cf: remove any Mesa references.                            
        Replace any -lMesaGL -lMesaGLU with -lGL -lGLU if needed.            
        In particular, replace:                                              
                OPENGL = $(TOP)/../lib/libMesaGL.so                          
                GLU = $(TOP)/../lib/libMesaGLU.so                            
                OPENGL = -lGL                                                
                GLU = -lGLU                                                  
        cd lib/glut                                                          
        cp /usr/src/glut-3.7/linux/Makefile .                                
        Edit the Makefile: remove any Mesa references.                       
        Replace any -lMesaGL -lMesaGLU with -lGL -lGLU if needed.            
        In particular, replace:                                              
                OPENGL = $(TOP)/../lib/libMesaGL.so                          
                GLU = $(TOP)/../lib/libMesaGLU.so                            
                OPENGL = -lGL                                                
                GLU = -lGLU                                                  
        ln -s libglut.so.3.7 libglut.so                                      
        ln -s libglut.so.3.7 libglut.so.3                                    
        cp -d libglut.* /usr/lib                                             
        cd ..                                                                
        cd gle                                                               
        -- make a shared lib for libgle                                      
        gcc -shared -o libgle.so.3.7 *.o                                     
        ln -s libgle.so.3.7 libgle.so                                        
        ln -s libgle.so.3.7 libgle.so.3                                      
        cp -d libgle.* /usr/lib                                              
        cd ..                                                                
        cd mui                                                               
        -- make a shared lib for libmui                                      
        gcc -shared -o libmui.so.3.7 *.o                                     
        ln -s libmui.so.3.7 libmui.so                                        
        ln -s libmui.so.3.7 libmui.so.3                                      
        cp -d libmui.* /usr/lib                                              
        -- Install the GLUT manual pages (not included with MesaDemos)       
        cd /usr/src/glut-3.7                                                 
        make SUBDIRS=man Makefile                                            
        cd man/glut                                                          
        make install.man                                                     
        cd ../../progs/demos/ideas                                           
        -- edit the Makefile, change OPENGL = -lGL and GLU = -lGLU           
        -- test compiling some demos                                         
        -- take a look at which libraries have to be linked (-lX11 ...) in   
        -- the Makefiles.  Qt's tmake program available at www.troll.no      
        -- is a quick way to make a Makefile but you have to edit it         
        -- and add the -l needed.                                            

3.6. Install Java 3D (optional)

If you already have a Java JDK/SDK or JRE, that is, a Java/Software
Development Kit or Java Runtime Environment, installed, then you may have to
take care to uninstall them or leave them alone!

It is recommended that you have the lastest version of Netscape 4.7x, which
at this time of writing, is 4.76, if you plan to install the Java PlugIn for 
netscape. It works, but you may (or may not) experience Segmentation Faults
when leaving a page that contained a Java 3D applet - KDE [http://
www.konqueror.org/] Konqueror 2.1 works well.

Assuming you are logged in as root and have downloaded the Java packages from
blackdown.org into the root home directory, /root, do:

Install the Java 2 SDK (1.2.2) and Java 3D (1.2) extension:
                cd /usr/local                                                
                tar -xvyf ~/j2sdk-1.2.2-FCS-linux-i386-glibc-2.1.3.tar.bz2   
                ln -s jdk1.2.2 jdk                                           
                cd jdk                                                       
                tar -xvyf ~/java3d1_2-FCS-linux-i386-sdk.tar.bz2             
                cd jre/lib/ext                                               
                cp j3d* ..                                                   
                cp vecmath.jar ..                                            
                cd /usr/local                                                
                chown -R root:root jdk1.2.2                                  

Edit /etc/profile, add:
                export JAVA_HOME PATH                                        
This completes the installation of the Java 2 SDK, which includes the JRE,
and the Java 3D 1.2 extension.

Install the Java PlugIn for netscape:
                -- source profile to set JAVA_HOME and PATH                  
                source /etc/profile                                          
                chmod u+x JavaPlugIn-1.2.2-FCS-linux-i386-glibc-2.1.3.run    
                -- each user has to run this file to install the plugin      
                -- it is per user, not global                                
                netscape &                                                   
When netscape loads, go to Edit+Preferences->Advanced and Enable Java and
Enable Java Plugin, then exit Netscape.

The next step is to configure the Java PlugIn. It comes with a configuration
                netscape ~/.netscape/java/ControlPanel.html &                
                -- the Control Panel for JavaPlugIn should load              
Again, netscape will load. Click the "Advanced" tab, select "Other ..." and
type for Path:
Then click "Apply" and exit Netscape. By changing this, it tells the Plugin
to use the system Java Runtime Environment instead of the JRE it installed
under ~/.netscape. The system JRE is where the Java 3D API extension is

Test Java 3D demos:
                cd $JAVA_HOME/demo/java3d/GearTest                           
                java GearBox &                                               
                -- runs as normal java application                           
                netscape GearBox_plugin.html &                               
                -- runs in netscape as an applet                             

If you experience trouble with Java, you can try deleting ~/.java and related
files in your home directory, then try again. These files left over from a
prior Java installation can cause problems.

If all works well, you should have a complete Java Developement and Runtime
Environment for both normal apps and high-performance 3D apps. See [http://
java.sun.com/] http://java.sun.com/ for further information about Java and
the Java 3D extension.

4. Final Comments

I believe that is about it! At this point you should have a fully functioning
OpenGL system for running and developing OpenGL apps.

You can try building the demos in /usr/src/Mesa-3.4/{demos,xdemos} by using
the Makefile.X11 as Makefile and running "make targets" or "make teapot" etc.
They should build and link with the hardware accelerated libGL and run very
fast! Qt has a OpenGL example in $QTDIR/examples/gear, that you should be
able to run as simply as "make;./gear".

Just about any standard GL/GLX/GLU/glut app should run fine, such as WolfGL,
GLQuake, glqwcl.glx (GLQuakeWorld), quake2, and of course ... quake3!!!


A. GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.1, March 2000

    Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite
    330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and
    distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is
    not allowed.

The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other written
document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone the effective
freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without modifying it, either
commercially or noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the
author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being
considered responsible for modifications made by others.

This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of
the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It complements the
GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft license designed for free

We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
software, because free software needs free documentation: a free program
should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the software does.
But this License is not limited to software manuals; it can be used for any
textual work, regardless of subject matter or whether it is published as a
printed book. We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose
is instruction or reference.


This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a notice
placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed under the terms
of this License. The "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work.
Any member of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you".

A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the Document
or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with modifications and/or
translated into another language.

A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of the
Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the publishers or
authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject (or to related
matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly within that overall
subject. (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of mathematics,
a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.) The relationship could
be a matter of historical connection with the subject or with related
matters, or of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political
position regarding them.

The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles are
designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice that says
that the Document is released under this License.

The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed, as
Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that the
Document is released under this License.

A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
represented in a format whose specification is available to the general
public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and
straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or for
automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input to text
formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file format whose markup
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is not Transparent. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".

Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain ASCII
without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML or XML using a
publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple HTML designed for
human modification. Opaque formats include PostScript, PDF, proprietary
formats that can be read and edited only by proprietary word processors, SGML
or XML for which the DTD and/or processing tools are not generally available,
and the machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for output
purposes only.

The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself, plus such
following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material this License
requires to appear in the title page. For works in formats which do not have
any title page as such, "Title Page" means the text near the most prominent
appearance of the work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the


You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially
or noncommercially, provided that this License, the copyright notices, and
the license notice saying this License applies to the Document are reproduced
in all copies, and that you add no other conditions whatsoever to those of
this License. You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the
reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you
may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large
enough number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.

You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may
publicly display copies.


If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than 100, and
the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover Texts:
Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the back cover.
Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of
these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of
the title equally prominent and visible. You may add other material on the
covers in addition. Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as
they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be
treated as verbatim copying in other respects.

If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you
should put the first ones listed (as many as fit reasonably) on the actual
cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent pages.

If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more
than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent copy along
with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy a
publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete
Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the general
network-using public has access to download anonymously at no charge using
public-standard network protocols. If you use the latter option, you must
take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin distribution of Opaque copies
in quantity, to ensure that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible
at the stated location until at least one year after the last time you
distribute an Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of
that edition to the public.

It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give them
a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.


You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the
conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release the Modified
Version under precisely this License, with the Modified Version filling the
role of the Document, thus licensing distribution and modification of the
Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do
these things in the Modified Version:

 A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from
    that of the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should,
    if there were any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You
    may use the same title as a previous version if the original publisher of
    that version gives permission.
 B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
    responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version,
    together with at least five of the principal authors of the Document (all
    of its principal authors, if it has less than five).
 C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified
    Version, as the publisher.
 D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
 E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to
    the other copyright notices.
 F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving
    the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this
    License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
 G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and
    required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
 H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
 I. Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add to it an
    item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the
    Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section
    entitled "History" in the Document, create one stating the title, year,
    authors, and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then
    add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the previous
 J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public
    access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise the network
    locations given in the Document for previous versions it was based on.
    These may be placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network
    location for a work that was published at least four years before the
    Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers to
    gives permission.
 K. In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", preserve the
    section's title, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone
    of each of the contributor acknowledgements and/or dedications given
 L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their
    text and in their titles. Section numbers or the equivalent are not
    considered part of the section titles.
 M. Delete any section entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be
    included in the Modified Version.
 N. Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to conflict in
    title with any Invariant Section.

If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that
qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material copied from the
Document, you may at your option designate some or all of these sections as
invariant. To do this, add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in
the Modified Version's license notice. These titles must be distinct from any
other section titles.

You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing
but endorsements of your Modified Version by various parties--for example,
statements of peer review or that the text has been approved by an
organization as the authoritative definition of a standard.

You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list of
Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of Front-Cover Text and
one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or through arrangements made by) any
one entity. If the Document already includes a cover text for the same cover,
previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are
acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old
one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added the old

The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give
permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or imply
endorsement of any Modified Version.


You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified versions,
provided that you include in the combination all of the Invariant Sections of
all of the original documents, unmodified, and list them all as Invariant
Sections of your combined work in its license notice.

The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple
identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are
multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make
the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in
parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if
known, or else a unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section
titles in the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
combined work.

In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled "History" in the
various original documents, forming one section entitled "History"; likewise
combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections entitled
"Dedications". You must delete all sections entitled "Endorsements."


You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this
License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in the
collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for verbatim
copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it
individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this License
into the extracted document, and follow this License in all other respects
regarding verbatim copying of that document.


A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and
independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified Version of the
Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for the compilation.
Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this License does not apply
to the other self-contained works thus compiled with the Document, on account
of their being thus compiled, if they are not themselves derivative works of
the Document.

If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of
the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter of the entire
aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on covers that surround
only the Document within the aggregate. Otherwise they must appear on covers
around the whole aggregate.


Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute
translations of the Document under the terms of section 4. Replacing
Invariant Sections with translations requires special permission from their
copyright holders, but you may include translations of some or all Invariant
Sections in addition to the original versions of these Invariant Sections.
You may include a translation of this License provided that you also include
the original English version of this License. In case of a disagreement
between the translation and the original English version of this License, the
original English version will prevail.


You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as
expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt to copy, modify,
sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will automatically
terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received
copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.


The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU
Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new versions will be
similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address
new problems or concerns. See [http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/] http://

Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this License "or any
later version" applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
conditions either of that specified version or of any later version that has
been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the
Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose
any version ever published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of the
License in the document and put the following copyright and license notices
just after the title page:

    Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute
    and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
    License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software
    Foundation; with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
    Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST. A
    copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free
    Documentation License".
If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant Sections" instead
of saying which ones are invariant. If you have no Front-Cover Texts, write
"no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover Texts being LIST"; likewise
for Back-Cover Texts.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend
releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of free software
license, such as the GNU General Public License, to permit their use in free