Firewalling and Proxy Server HOWTO
  Mark Grennan,
  v0.4, 8 November 1996

  This document is designed to teach the basics of firewall systems and
  give you some detail on setting up both a filtering and proxy firewall
  on a Linux based PC. An HTML version of this document is available at

  1.  Introduction

  This original Firewall-HOWTO was written by David Rudder,  I'd like to thank him for allowing me to update his

  Firewalls have gained great fame recently as the ultimate in Internet
  Security.  Like most things that gain fame, with that fame has come
  misunderstanding.  This HOWTO will go over the basics of what a
  firewall is, how to set one up, what proxy servers are, how to set up
  proxy servers, and the applications of this technology outside of the
  security realm.

  1.1.  Feedback

  Any feedback is very welcome. PLEASE REPORT ANY INACCURACIES IN THIS
  PAPER!!!  I am human, and prone to making mistakes.  If you find any,
  fixing them is of my highest interest.  I will try to answer all e-
  mail, but I am busy, so don't get insulted if I don't.

  My email address is

  1.2.  Disclaimer

  BASED ON THIS DOCUMENT. This document is meant as an introduction to
  how firewalls and proxy servers work. I am not, nor do I pretend to
  be, a security expert.  I am just some guy who has read to much and
  likes computers more than most people. Please, I am writing this to
  help get people acquainted with this subject, and I am not ready to
  stake my life on the accuracy of what is in here.

  1.3.  Copyright

  Unless otherwise stated, Linux HOWTO documents are copyrighted by
  their respective authors. Linux HOWTO documents may be reproduced and
  distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic,
  as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial
  redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would
  like to be notified of any such distributions.

  All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating
  any Linux HOWTO documents must be covered under this copyright notice.
  That is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HOWTO and impose
  additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules
  may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux
  HOWTO coordinator.

  In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through
  as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright
  on the HOWTO documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to
  redistribute the HOWTOs.

  If you have any questions, please contact Mark Grennan at

  1.4.  My Reasons for Writing This

  Even though there were a lot of discussions on comp.os.linux.* over
  the past year about firewalling, I found it difficult to find the
  information I needed to setup a firewall.  The original version of
  this HOWTO was helpful but still lacking.  I hope this beefed up
  version of David Rudder's Firewall HOWTO will give everyone the
  information they need to create a functioning firewall in hours, not

  I also feel I should return something to the Linux community.

  1.5.  TODO

  �  Give some instructions on how to setup the clients

  �  Find a good UDP proxy server that works with Linux

  1.6.  Further Readings

  �  The NET-2 HOWTO

  �  The Ethernet HOWTO

  �  The Multiple Ethernet Mini HOWTO

  �  Networking with Linux

  �  The PPP HOWTO

  �  TCP/IP Network Administrator's Guide by O'Reilly and Associates

  �  The Documentation for the TIS Firewall Toolkit

  Trusted Information System's (TIS) web site has a great collection of
  documentation on firewalls and related meterial.

  Also, I am working on a security project called I am calling Secure
  Linux. On the Secure Linux web site I am gathering all the
  information, documemtation and programs you need to create a trusted
  Linux system. Email me if you would like information.

  2.  Understanding Firewalls

  A firewall is a term used for a part of a car.  In cars, firewalls are
  physical objects that separate the engine from the passengers.  They
  are meant to protect the passenger in case the car's engine catches
  fire while still providing the driver access to the engine's controls.

  A firewall in computers is a device that protects a private network
  from the public part (the internet as a whole).

  The firewall computer, from now on named "firewall", can reach both
  the protected network and the internet.  The protected network can't
  reach the internet, and the internet can not reach the protected

  For someone to reach the internet from inside the protected network,
  they must telnet to firewall, and use the internet from there.

  The simplest form of a firewall is a dual homed system. (a system with
  two network connections) If you can TRUST ALL your users, you can
  simple setup a Linux (compile it with IP forwarding/gatewaying turned
  OFF!) and give everyone accounts on it. The can then login to this
  system and telnet, FTP, read mail, and use any other service you
  provided. With this setup, the only computer on your private network
  that knows anything about the outside world is the firewall. The other
  system on your protected network dont even need a default route.

  This needs re-stating. For the above firewall to work  YOU MUST TRUST
  ALL YOUR USERS!  I don't recommend it.

  2.1.  Drawbacks with Firewalls

  The problem with filtering firewalls are they inhibit the access to
  your network from  the internet.  Only services on systems that have
  pass filters can be accessed. With a proxy server users can login to
  the firewall  and then access any system within the private network
  they have access to.

  Also, new types of network clients and servers a coming out almost
  daily. When they do you must find a new way to allow controled access
  before these services can be used.

  2.2.  Types of Firewalls

  There are two types of firewalls.

  1. IP or Filtering Firewalls - that block all but selected network

  2. Proxy Servers - that make the network connections for you.

  2.2.1.  IP Filtering Firewalls

  An IP filtering firewall works at the packet level. It is designed to
  control the flow of packets based the source, destination, port and
  packet type information contained in each packet.

  This type of firewall is very secure but lacks any sort of useful
  logging. It can block people from accessing private system but it will
  not tell you who accessed your public systems or who accessed the
  internet from the inside.

  Filtering firewalls are absolute filters. Even if you want to give
  someone on outside access to your private servers you can not without
  giving everyone access to the servers.

  Linux has included packet filtering software in the kernel starting
  with version 1.3.x.

  2.2.2.  Proxy Servers

  Proxy servers allow indirect internet access through the firewall. The
  best example of how this works is a person telneting to a system and
  then telneting from there to another. Only with a proxy server the
  process is automatic. When you connect to a proxy server with your
  client software, the proxy server starts it's client (proxy) software
  and passes you the data.

  Because proxy servers are duplicating all the communications they can
  log every thing they do.

  The great thing about proxy servers is that they are completely
  secure, when configured correctly.  They will not allow someone in
  through them. There are no direct IP routes.

  3.  Setting up the Firewall

  3.1.  Hardware requirements

  For our example, the computer is a 486-DX66 with 16 meg of memory and
  a 500 meg Linux partition. This system has two network cards one
  connected to our private LAN and the other connected to the a lan we
  will call the de-militarized zone (DMZ). The DMZ has a router
  connected to it with a connection to the internet.

  This is a pretty standard setup for a business. You could use one
  network card and a modem with PPP to the internet. The point is, the
  firewall must have two IP network numbers.

  I know a lot of people have small LANs at home with two or three
  computers on them. Something you might consider is putting all your
  modems in on Linux box (maybe an old 386) and connecting all of them
  to the internet with load balancing.  With this setup when only one
  person was pulling data they would get both modems doubling the
  throughput. :-)

  4.  Firewalling Software

  4.1.  Available packages

  If all you want is a filtering firewall, you only need Linux and the
  basic networking packages. One package that might not come with your
  distribution is the IP Firewall Administration tool.

  (IPFWADM) Comes from

  If you want to setup a poxy server you will need one of these

  1. SOCKS

  2. TIS Firewall Toolkit (FWTK)

  4.2.  The TIS Firewall Toolkit vs SOCKS

  Trusted Information System ( has put out a
  collection of programs designed to facilitate firewalling.  The
  programs do basically the same thing as the SOCKS package, but with a
  different design strategy.  Where Socks has one program that covers
  all Internet transactions, TIS has provided one program for each
  utility that wishes to use the firewall.

  To contrast the two, let's use the example of world wide web and
  Telnet access.  With SOCKS, you set up one configuration file and one
  daemon.  Through this file and daemon, both telnet and WWW are
  enabled, as well as any other service that you have not disabled.

  With the TIS toolkit, you set up one daemon for each WWW and telnet,
  as well as configuration files for each.  After you have done this,
  other internet access is still prohibited until explicitly set up.  If
  a daemon for a specific utility has not been provided (like talk),
  there is a "plug-in" daemon, but it is neither as flexible, nor as
  easy to set up, as the other tools.

  This might seem a minor, but it makes a major difference. SOCKS allows
  you to be sloppy.  With a poorly set up SOCKS server, someone from the
  inside could gain more access to the internet than was originally
  intended.  With the TIS toolkit, the people on the inside have only
  the access the system administrator wants them to have.

  SOCKS is easier to set up, easier to compile and allows for greater
  flexibility.  The TIS toolkit is more secure if you want to regulate
  the users inside the protected network.  Both provide absolute
  protection from the outside.

  I will cover the installation and setup of both.

  5.  Preparing the Linux system

  5.1.  Compiling the Kernel

  Start with a clean installation of your Linux distribution. (I used
  RedHat 3.0.3 and the examples here are based on this distribution.)
  The less software you have loaded the less holes, backdoors and/or
  bugs there will be to introduce security problems in your system, so
  load only a minimal set of applications.

  Pick a stable kernel. I used the Linux 2.0.14 kernel for my system.
  So this documentation is based on it's settings.

  You well need to recompile the Linux kernel with the appropriate
  options.  At this point, you should look at the Kernel HOWTO, the
  Ethernet HOWTO, and the NET-2 HOWTO if you haven't done this before.

  Here are the network related setting I know work in 'make config'

  1. Under General setup

     a. Turn Networking Support ON

  2. Under Networking Options

     a. Turn Network firewalls ON

     b. Turn TCP/IP Networking ON

     c. Turn IP forwarding/gatewaying OFF (UNLESS you wish to use IP

     d. Turn IP Firewalling ON

     e. Turn IP firewall packet loggin ON (this is not required but it
        is a good idea)

     f. Turn IP: masquerading OFF (I am not covering this subject here.)

     g. Turn IP: accounting ON

     h. Turn IP: tunneling OFF

     i. Turn IP: aliasing OFF

     j. Turn IP: PC/TCP compatibility mode OFF

     k. Turn IP: Reverse ARP OFF

     l. Turn Drop source routed frames ON

  3. Under Network device support

     a. Turn Network device support ON

     b. Turn Dummy net driver support ON

     c. Turn Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) ON

     d. Select your network card

  Now you can recompile, reinstall the kernel and reboot.  Your network
  card/s should show up in the boot-up sequence.  If not, go over the
  other HOWTOs again until it is working.

  5.2.  Configuring two network cards

  If you have two network cards in your computer, you most likely will
  need to add an append statement to your /etc/lilo.conf file to
  describe the IRQ and address of both cards.  My lilo append statement
  looks like this:

      append="ether=12,0x300,eth0 ether=15,0x340,eth1"

  5.3.  Configuring the Network Addresses

  This is the real interesting part.  Now you have a few decisions to
  make.  Since we don't want the internet to have access to any part of
  the private network, we do not need to use real addresses.  There are
  a number of internet addresses set aside for private networks. Because
  everyone needs more addresses and because these addresses can not
  cross the Internet they are a good choice.

  Of these,, is set aside and we will use it in our

  Your proxy firewall will be a member of both networks and so it can
  pass the data through to and from the private network.

        _  __  _        \ |          | /           _______________
       | \/  \/ |        \| Firewall |/           |               |
      / Internet \--------|  System  |------------| Workstation/s |
      \_/\_/\_/\_/        |__________|            |_______________|

  If your going to use a filtering firewall you can still use these
  numbers.  You will need to use IP masquerading to make this happen.
  With this process the firewall will forward packets and translate them
  into  "REAL " " IP address to travel on the Internet.

  You must assign the real IP address to the network card on the
  Internet (out) side. And, assign to the Ethernet card on
  inside.  This will be your proxy/gateway IP address.  You can assign
  all the other machines in the protected network some number in that range. ( through

  Since I use RedHat Linux (Hey guys, want to give me a copy for the
  plugs? ;-) to configure the network at boot time I added a 'ifcfg-
  eth1' file in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.  This file
  is read during the boot process to set your network and routing

  Here is what my ifcfg-eth1 looks like;

      #>>>Device type: ethernet
      #>>>Variable declarations:
      #>>>End variable declarations

  You can also use these scripts to automatically connect by modem to
  your provider. Look at the ipup-ppp script.

  If your going to use a modem for your internet connection your outside
  IP address will be assigned for you by your provider at connect time.

  5.4.  Testing your network

  Start by checking ifconfig and route.  If you have two network cards
  your ifconfig should look something like:

    lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3584  Metric:1
              RX packets:1620 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
              TX packets:1620 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0

    eth0      Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:09:85:AC:55
              inet addr: Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
              TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
              Interrupt:12 Base address:0x310

    eth1      Link encap:10Mbps Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:09:80:1E:D7
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
              UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
              RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
              TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
              Interrupt:15 Base address:0x350

  and your route table sould look like:

    #route -n
    Kernel routing table
    Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags MSS    Window Use Iface       *        U     1500   0       15 eth0     *        U     1500   0        0 eth1       *            U     3584   0        2 lo
    default      *               UG    1500   0       72 eth0

  Note: is the Internet side of this firewall and
  is the private side.

  Now try to ping the internet from the firewall.  I used to use as my test point.  It's still a good test, but has proven
  to be less reliable than I had hoped.  If it doesn't work at first,
  try pinging a couple other places that are not connected to your LAN.
  If this doesn't work, then your PPP is incorrectly setup.  Reread the
  Net-2 HOWTO, and try again.

  Next, try pinging a host within the protected network from the
  firewall.  All the computers should be able to ping each other.  If
  not, go over the NET-2 HOWTO again and work on the network some more.

  Then, try to ping the outside address of firewall from inside the
  protected network. (NOTE: this is not any of the IP
  numbers.) If you can, then you have not turned off IP Forwarding.
  Make sure this is the way you want it.  If you leave it turned on you
  will have to go through the IP filtering section of this document as

  Now try pinging the internet from behind your firewall. Use the same
  address that worked for you before. (I.E. Again, if you
  have IP Forwarding turned off, this should not work. But, if you have
  it turned on, it should.

  If have IP Forwarding turned on and your using a  "REAL" (not
  192.168.2.*)  IP address for your private network, and you can't ping
  the internet but you can ping the internet side your firewall, check
  if the next router up stream is routing packets for your private
  network address. (Your provider may have to do this for you.)

  If you have assigned your protected network to 192.168.2.*, then no
  can packets can be routed to it anyway.  If you have skipped ahead and
  you already have IP masquerading turn on, this test should work.

  Now, you have your basic system setup.

  5.5.  Securing the Firewall

  A firewall isn't any good if it is left wide open to attacks through a
  unused service.  A "bad guy" could gain access to the firewall and
  modify it for their own needs.

  Start by turning off any unneeded services. Look at /etc/inetd.conf
  file.  This file controls what are called the "super server".  It
  controls a bunch of the server daemons and starts them as they are

  Definitely turn off netstat, systat, tftp, bootp, and finger.  To turn
  a service off, put # as the first character of the service line.  When
  your done, send a SIG-HUP to the process by typing "kill -HUP <pid>",
  where <pid> is the process number of inetd.  This will make inetd re-
  read its configuration file (inetd.conf) and restart.

  Test it out by telneting to port 15 on firewall, the netstat port.  If
  you get an output of netstat, you have not restarted it correctly.

  6.  IP filtering setup (IPFWADM)

  To start, you should have IP Forwarding turned on in your kernel and
  your system should be up and forwarding everything you send it. Your
  routing tables should be in place and you should be able to access
  everything, both from the inside out and from the outside in.

  But, we're building a firewall so we need to start chocking down what
  everyone has access to.

  In my system I created a couple of scripts to set the firewall
  forwarding policy and accounting policy. I call theses scripts from
  the /etc/rc.d scripts so my system is configured at boot time.

  By default the IP Forwarding system in the Linux kernel forwards
  everything.  Because of this, your firewall script should start by
  denying access to everything and flushing any ipfw rules in place from
  the last time it was run. This script will do the trick.

    # setup IP packet Accounting and Forwarding
    #   Forwarding
    # By default DENY all services
    ipfwadm -F -p deny
    # Flush all commands
    ipfwadm -F -f
    ipfwadm -I -f
    ipfwadm -O -f

  Now we have the ultimate firewall. Nothing can get through. No doubt
  you have some services you need to forward so here are a few examples
  you should find useful.

    # Forward email to your server
    ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D 25

    # Forward email connections to outside email servers
    ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 25 -D 1024:65535

    # Forward Web connections to your Web Server
    /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 1024:65535 -D 80

    # Forward Web connections to outside Web Server
    /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P tcp -S 196.1.2.* 80 -D 1024:65535

    # Forward DNS traffic
    /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -P udp -S 53 -D

  You might also be interested in accounting for traffic going through
  your firewall. This script will count ever packet.  You could add a
  line or to to account for packets going to just a single system.

    # Flush the current accounting rules
    ipfwadm -A -f
    # Accounting
    /sbin/ipfwadm -A -f
    /sbin/ipfwadm -A out -i -S -D
    /sbin/ipfwadm -A out -i -S -D
    /sbin/ipfwadm -A in -i -S -D
    /sbin/ipfwadm -A in -i -S -D

  If all you wanted was a filtering firewall you can stop here.  Enjoy

  7.  Installing the TIS Proxy server

  7.1.  Getting the software

  The TIS FWTK is avaible at

  Don't make the mistake I did. When you ftp files from TIS, READ THE
  README's.  The TIS fwtk is locked up in a hidden directory on their
  server.  TIS requires you send email to with only
  the word SEND in the body of the message to learn the name of this
  hidden directory. No subject is needed in the message.  Their system
  will then mails you back the directory name (good for 12 hours) to
  download the source.

  As I'm writing this TIS is releasing version 2.0 (beta) of the FWTK.
  This version seems to compile well (with a few exceptions) and
  everything is working for me. This is the version I will be covering
  here.  When they release the final code I'll update the HOWTO.

  To install the FWTK, create a fwtk-2.0 directory in your /usr/src
  directory.  Move your copy of the FWTK (fwtk-2.0.tar.gz) to your this
  directory and untar it (tar zxf fwtk-2.0.tar.gz).

  The FWTK does not proxy SSL web documents but there is an addon for it
  written by Jean-Christophe Touvet. It is avaible at Touvet does not
  support this code.

  I am using a modified version that includes access to Netscape secure
  news servers written by Eric Wedel. It is available at

  In our example I will use Eric Wedel's version.

  To install it, simply create a ssl-gw directory in your
  /usr/src/fwtk-2.0 directory and put the files in it.

  When I installed this gateway it required a few changes before it
  would compile with the rest of the toolkit.

  The first change was to the ssl-gw.c file. I found it didn't include a
  needed include file.

    #if defined(__linux)
    #include        <sys/ioctl.h>

  Second it didn't come with a Makefile. I copied one out of the other
  gateway directories and replaced the gateway's name with ssl-gw.

  7.2.  Compiling the TIS FWTK

  Version 2.0 of the FWTK compiles much easier then any of the older
  versions.  I still found a couple of things that needed to be changed
  before the BETA version would compile cleanly. Hopefully these changes
  will be make in the final version.

  To fix it up, start by changing to the /usr/src/fwtk/fwtk directory
  and coping the Makefile.config.linux file over the Makefile.config

  DON'T RUN FIXMAKE. The instructions tell you to run this. If you do it
  will break the makefiles in each directory.

  I do have a fix for fixmake. The problem is the sed script add a '.'
  and '' to the include line of ever Makefile. This sed script works.

    sed 's/^include[        ]*\([^  ].*\)/include \1/' $name .proto > $name

  Next we need to edit the Makefile.config file. There are two changes
  you may need to make.

  The author set the source directory to his home directory.  We are
  compiling our code in /usr/src so you should changed the FWTKSRCDIR
  variable to reflect this.


  Second, at least some Linux system us the gdbm database. The
  Makefile.config is using dbm. You might need to change this. I had to
  for RedHat 3.0.3.


  The last fix is in the x-gw. The bug in the BETA version is in the
  socket.c code.  To fix it remove these lines of code.

    #ifdef SCM_RIGHTS  /* 4.3BSD Reno and later */
                         + sizeof(un_name->sun_len) + 1

  If you added the ssl-gw to your FWTK source directory you will need to
  add it to the list of directory in the Makefile.

    DIRS=   smap smapd netacl plug-gw ftp-gw tn-gw rlogin-gw http-gw x-gw ssl-gw

  Now run make.

  7.3.  Installing the TIS FWTK

  Run make install.

  The default installation directory is /usr/local/etc. You could change
  this (I didn't) to a more secure directory. I chose to change the
  access to this directory to 'chmod 700'.

  All last is left now is to configure the firewall.

  7.4.  Configuring the TIS FWTK

  Now the fun realy begins. We must teach the system to call theses new
  services and create the tables to control them.

  I'm not going to try to re-write the TIS FWTK manual here. I will show
  you the setting I found worked and explain the problems I ran into and
  how I got around them.

  There are three files that make up these controls.

  �  /etc/services

  �  Tells the system what ports a services is on.

  �  /etc/inetd.conf

  �  Tells inetd what program to call when someone knocks on a service

  �  /usr/local/etc/netperm-table

  �  Tells the FWTK services who to allow and deny service to.

  To get the FWTK functioning, you should edit these files from the
  bottom up. Editing the services file without the inetd.conf or
  netperm-table file set correctly could make your system inaccessible.

  7.4.1.  The netperm-table file

  This file controls who can access the services of the TIS FWTK. You
  should think about the traffic using the firewall from both sides.
  People outside your network should identify themselves before gaining
  access, but the people inside your network might be allowed to just
  pass through.

  So people can identify themselves, the firewall uses a program called
  authsrv to keep a database of user IDs and passwords. The
  authentication section of the netperm-table controls where the
  database is keep and who can access it.

  I had some trouble closing the access to this service. Note the
  premit-hosts line I show uses a '*' to give everyone access. The
  correct setting for this line is '' authsrv: premit-hosts localhost if
  you can get it working.

    # Proxy configuration table
    # Authentication server and client rules
    authsrv:      database /usr/local/etc/fw-authdb
    authsrv:      permit-hosts *
    authsrv:      badsleep 1200
    authsrv:      nobogus true
    # Client Applications using the Authentication server
    *:            authserver 114

  To initialize the database, su to root, and run ./authsrv in the
  /var/local/etc directory to create the administrative user record.
  Here is a sample session.

  Read the FWTK documentation to learn how to add users and groups.

      # authsrv
      authsrv# list
      authsrv# adduser admin "Auth DB admin"
      ok - user added initially disabled
      authsrv# ena admin
      authsrv# proto admin pass
      authsrv# pass admin "plugh"
      Password changed.
      authsrv# superwiz admin
      set wizard
      authsrv# list
      Report for users in database
      user   group  longname           ok?    proto   last
      ------ ------ ------------------ -----  ------  -----
      admin         Auth DB admin      ena    passw   never
      authsrv# display admin
      Report for user admin (Auth DB admin)
      Authentication protocol: password
      Flags: WIZARD
      authsrv# ^D

  The telnet gateway (tn-gw) controls are straight forward and the first
  you should set up.

  In my example, I premit host from inside the private network to pass
  through without authenticating themselves. (permit-hosts 19961.2.*
  -passok) But, any other user must enter their user ID and password to
  use the proxy.  (permit-hosts * -auth)

  I also allow one other system ( to access the firewall
  directly without going through the firewall at all. The two inetacl-
  in.telnetd lines do this.  I will explain how these lines are called

  The Telnet timeout should be keep short.

    # telnet gateway rules:
    tn-gw:                denial-msg      /usr/local/etc/tn-deny.txt
    tn-gw:                welcome-msg     /usr/local/etc/tn-welcome.txt
    tn-gw:                help-msg        /usr/local/etc/tn-help.txt
    tn-gw:                timeout 90
    tn-gw:                permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -passok -xok
    tn-gw:                permit-hosts * -auth
    # Only the Administrator can telnet directly to the Firewall via Port 24
    netacl-in.telnetd: permit-hosts -exec /usr/sbin/in.telnetd

  The r-commands work the same way as telnet.

    # rlogin gateway rules:
    rlogin-gw:    denial-msg      /usr/local/etc/rlogin-deny.txt
    rlogin-gw:    welcome-msg     /usr/local/etc/rlogin-welcome.txt
    rlogin-gw:    help-msg        /usr/local/etc/rlogin-help.txt
    rlogin-gw:    timeout 90
    rlogin-gw:    permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -passok -xok
    rlogin-gw:    permit-hosts * -auth -xok
    # Only the Administrator can telnet directly to the Firewall via Port
    netacl-rlogind: permit-hosts -exec /usr/libexec/rlogind -a

  You shouldn't have anyone accessing your firewall directly and that
  includes FTP so don't put an FTP, server on you firewall.

  Again, the permit-hosts line allows anyone in the protected network
  free access to the Internet and all others must authenticate
  themselves.  I included logging of every file sent and received to my
  controls.  (-log { retr stor })

  The ftp timeout controls how long it will take to drop a bad
  connections as well as how long a connection will stay open with out

    # ftp gateway rules:
    ftp-gw:               denial-msg      /usr/local/etc/ftp-deny.txt
    ftp-gw:               welcome-msg     /usr/local/etc/ftp-welcome.txt
    ftp-gw:               help-msg        /usr/local/etc/ftp-help.txt
    ftp-gw:               timeout 300
    ftp-gw:               permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -log { retr stor }
    ftp-gw:               permit-hosts * -authall -log { retr stor }

  Web, gopher and browser based ftp are contorted by the http-gw.  The
  first two lines create a directory to store ftp and web documents as
  they are passing through the firewall. I make these files owned by
  root and put the in a directory accessible only by root.

  The Web connection should be kept short. It controls how long the user
  will wait on a bad connections.

    # www and gopher gateway rules:
    http-gw:      userid          root
    http-gw:      directory       /jail
    http-gw:      timeout 90
    http-gw:      default-httpd
    http-gw:      hosts           196.1.2.* -log { read write ftp }
    http-gw:      deny-hosts      *

  The ssl-gw is really just a pass anything gateway. Be carefull with
  it.  In this example I allow anyone inside the protected network to
  connect to any server outside the network except the addresses
  127.0.0.* and 192.1.1.* and then only on ports 443 through 563. Ports
  443 through 563 are known SSL ports.

    # ssl gateway rules:
    ssl-gw:         timeout 300
    ssl-gw:         hosts           196.1.2.* -dest { !127.0.0.* !192.1.1.* *:443:563 }
    ssl-gw:         deny-hosts      *

  Here is an example of how to use the plug-gw to allow connections to a
  news server.  In this example I allow anyone inside the protected
  network to connect to only one system and only to it's news port.

  The seconded line allows the news server to pass its data back to the
  protected network.

  Because most clients expect to stay connected while the user read
  news, the timeout for a news server should be long.

    # NetNews Pluged gateway
    plug-gw:        timeout 3600
    plug-gw: port nntp 196.1.2.* -plug-to -port nntp
    plug-gw: port nntp -plug-to 196.1.2.* -port nntp

  The finger gateway is simple. Anyone inside the protected network must
  login first and then we allow them to use the finger program on the
  firewall. Anyone else just gets a message.

    # Enable finger service
    netacl-fingerd: permit-hosts 196.1.2.* -exec /usr/libexec/fingerd
    netacl-fingerd: permit-hosts * -exec /bin/cat /usr/local/etc/finger.txt

  I haven't setup the Mail and X-windows services so I'm not including
  examples.  If anyone has a working example, please send me email.

  7.4.2.  The inetd.conf file

  Here is a complete /etc/inetd.conf file. All un-needed services have
  been commented out. I have included the complete file to show what to
  turn off, as well as how to setup the new firewall services.

    #echo stream  tcp  nowait  root       internal
    #echo dgram   udp  wait    root       internal
    #discard      stream  tcp  nowait  root       internal
    #discard      dgram   udp  wait    root       internal
    #daytime      stream  tcp  nowait  root       internal
    #daytime      dgram   udp  wait    root       internal
    #chargen      stream  tcp  nowait  root       internal
    #chargen      dgram   udp  wait    root       internal
    # FTP firewall gateway
    ftp-gw      stream  tcp  nowait.400  root  /usr/local/etc/ftp-gw  ftp-gw
    # Telnet firewall gateway
    telnet        stream  tcp  nowait      root  /usr/local/etc/tn-gw /usr/local/etc/tn-gw
    # local telnet services
    telnet-a    stream  tcp  nowait      root  /usr/local/etc/netacl in.telnetd
    # Gopher firewall gateway
    gopher        stream  tcp  nowait.400  root  /usr/local/etc/http-gw /usr/local/etc/http-gw
    # WWW firewall gateway
    http  stream  tcp  nowait.400  root  /usr/local/etc/http-gw /usr/local/etc/http-gw
    # SSL firewall gateway
    ssl-gw  stream  tcp     nowait  root /usr/local/etc/ssl-gw   ssl-gw
    # NetNews firewall proxy (using plug-gw)
    nntp    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/etc/plug-gw plug-gw nntp
    #nntp stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.nntpd
    # SMTP (email) firewall gateway
    #smtp stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/local/etc/smap smap
    # Shell, login, exec and talk are BSD protocols.
    #shell        stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.rshd
    #login        stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.rlogind
    #exec stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.rexecd
    #talk dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.talkd
    #ntalk        dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.ntalkd
    #dtalk        stream  tcp     waut    nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.dtalkd
    # Pop and imap mail services et al
    #pop-2   stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd    ipop2d
    #pop-3   stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd    ipop3d
    #imap    stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd    imapd
    # The Internet UUCP service.
    #uucp    stream  tcp  nowait  uucp  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -l
    # Tftp service is provided primarily for booting.  Most sites
    # run this only on machines acting as "boot servers." Do not uncomment
    # this unless you *need* it.
    #tftp dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.tftpd
    #bootps       dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  bootpd
    # Finger, systat and netstat give out user information which may be
    # valuable to potential "system crackers."  Many sites choose to disable
    # some or all of these services to improve security.
    # cfinger is for GNU finger, which is currently not in use in RHS Linux
    finger        stream  tcp  nowait  root   /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.fingerd
    #cfinger      stream  tcp  nowait  root   /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.cfingerd
    #systat       stream  tcp  nowait  guest  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /bin/ps -auwwx
    #netstat      stream  tcp  nowait  guest  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /bin/netstat -f inet
    # Time service is used for clock syncronization.
    #time stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.timed
    #time dgram   udp  wait    root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.timed
    # Authentication
    auth          stream  tcp  wait    root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.identd -w -t120
    authsrv       stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/local/etc/authsrv authsrv
    # End of inetd.conf

  7.4.3.  The /etc/services file

  This is where it all begins. When a client connects to the firewall it
  connects on a known port (less then 1024).  For example telnet
  connects on port 23. The inetd deamon hears this connection and looks
  up the name of these service in the /etc/services file. It then calls
  the program assigned to the name in the /etc/inetd.conf file.

  Some of the services we are creating are not normally in the
  /etc/services file. You can assign some of them to any port you want.
  For example, I have assigned the administrator's telnet port (telnet-
  a) to port 24.  You could assign it to port 2323 if you wished. For
  the administrator (YOU) to connect directly to the firewall you will
  need to telnet to port 24 not 23 and if you setup your netperm-table
  file, like I did, you will only be able to to this from one system
  inside your protected network.

    telnet-a        24/tcp
    ftp-gw          21/tcp           # this named changed
    auth            113/tcp   ident    # User Verification
    ssl-gw          443/tcp

  8.  The SOCKS Proxy Server

  8.1.  Setting up the Proxy Server

  The SOCKS proxy server available from
  src.tgz.  There is also an example config file in that directory
  called "socks-conf".  Uncompress and untar the files into a directory
  on your system, and follow the instructions on how to make it.  I had
  a couple problems when I made it.  Make sure that your Makefiles are

  One important thing to note is that the proxy server needs to be added
  to /etc/inetd.conf.  You must add a line:

    socks  stream  tcp  nowait  nobody  /usr/local/etc/sockd  sockd

  to tell the server to run when requested.

  8.2.  Configuring the Proxy Server

  The SOCKS program needs two separate configuration files.  One to tell
  the access allowed, and one to route the requests to the appropriate
  proxy server.  The access file should be housed on the server.  The
  routing file should be housed on every Un*x machine.  The DOS and,
  presumably, Macintosh computers will do their own routing.

  8.2.1.  The Access File

  With socks4.2 Beta, the access file is called "sockd.conf".  It should
  contain 2 lines, a permit and a deny line.   Each line will have three

  �  The Identifier (permit/deny)

  �  The IP address

  �  The address modifier

  The identifier is either permit or deny.  You should have both a
  permit and a deny line.

  The IP address holds a four byte address in typical IP dot notation.

  The address modifier is also a typical IP address four byte number.
  It works like a netmask.  Envision this number to be 32 bits (1s or
  0s). If the bit is a 1, the corresponding bit of the address that it
  is checking must match the corresponding bit in the IP address field.
  For instance, if the line is:


  it will permit only the IP address that matches every bit in, eg, only  The line:


  will permit every number within group through, the whole C Class domain.   One should not have the


  as this will permit every address, regardless.

  So, first permit every address you want to permit, and then deny the
  rest.  To allow everyone in the domain, the lines:


  will work nicely.  Notice the first "" in the deny line.  With
  a modifier of, the IP address field does not matter.  All 0's
  is the norm because it is easy to type.

  More than one entry of each is allowed.

  Specific users can also be granted or denied access.  This is done via
  ident authentication.  Not all systems support ident, including
  Trumpet Winsock, so I will not go into it here.  The documentation
  with socks is quite adequate on this subject.

  8.2.2.  The Routing File

  The routing file in SOCKS is poorly named "socks.conf".  I say "poorly
  named" because it is so close to the name of the access file that it
  is easy to get the two confused.

  The routing file is there to tell the SOCKS clients when to use socks
  and when not to.  For instance, in our network, will not
  need to use socks to talk with, firewall.  It has a direct
  connection in via Ethernet.  It defines, the loopback,
  automatically.  Of course you do not need SOCKS to talk to yourself.
  There are three entries:

  �  deny

  �  direct

  �  sockd

  Deny tells SOCKS when to reject a request.  This entry has the same
  three fields as in sockd.conf, identifier, address and modifier.
  Generally, since this is also handled by sockd.conf, the access file,
  the modifier field is set to  If you want to preclude
  yourself from calling any place, you can do it here.

  The direct entry tells which addresses to not use socks for.  These
  are all the addresses that can be reached without the proxy server.
  Again we have the three fields, identifier, address and modifier.  Our
  example would have


  Thus going direct for any on our protected network.

  The sockd entry tells the computer which host has the socks server
  daemon on it.  The syntax is:

    sockd @=<serverlist> <IP address> <modifier>

  Notice the @= entry.  This allows you to set the IP addresses of a
  list of proxy servers.  In our example, we only use one proxy server.
  But, you can have many to allow a greater load and for redundancy in
  case of failure.

  The IP address and modifier fields work just like in the other
  examples.  You specify which addresses go where through these.  6.2.3.
  DNS from behind a Firewall

  Setting up Domain Name service from behind a firewall is a relatively
  simple task.  You need merely to set up the DNS on the firewalling
  machine.  Then, set each machine behind the firewall to use this DNS.

  8.3.  Working With a Proxy Server

  8.3.1.  Unix

  To have your applications work with the proxy server, they need to be
  "sockified".  You will need two different telnets, one for direct
  communication, one for communication via the proxy server.  SOCKS
  comes with instructions on how to SOCKify a program, as well as a
  couple pre-SOCKified programs.  If you use the SOCKified version to go
  somewhere direct, SOCKS will automatically switch over to the direct
  version for you.  Because of this, we want to rename all the programs
  on our protected network and replace them with the SOCKified programs.
  "Finger" becomes "finger.orig", "telnet" becomes "telnet.orig", etc.
  You must tell SOCKS about each of these via the include/socks.h file.

  Certain programs will handle routing and sockifying itself.  Netscape
  is one of these.  You can use a proxy server under Netscape by
  entering the server's address ( in our case) in the SOCKs
  field under Proxies.  Each application will need at least a little
  messing with, regardless of how it handles a proxy server.

  8.3.2.  MS Windows with Trumpet Winsock

  Trumpet Winsock comes with built in proxy server capabilities.  In the
  "setup" menu, enter the IP address of the server, and the addresses of
  all the computers reachable directly.  Trumpet will then handle all
  outgoing packets.

  8.3.3.  Getting the Proxy Server to work with UDP Packets

  The SOCKS package works only with TCP packets, not UDP.  This makes it
  quite a bit less useful.  Many useful programs, such as talk and
  Archie, use UDP.  There is a package designed to be used as a proxy
  server for UDP packets called UDPrelay, by Tom Fitzgerald
  <>.  Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, it is
  not compatible with Linux.

  8.4.  Drawbacks with Proxy Servers

  The proxy server is, above all, a security device.  Using it to
  increase internet access with limited IP addresses will have many
  drawbacks.  A proxy server will allow greater access from inside the
  protected network to the outside, but will keep the inside completely
  unaccessible from the outside.  This means no servers, talk or archie
  connections, or direct mailing to the inside computers.  These
  drawbacks might seem slight, but think of it this way:

  �  You have left a report you are doing on your computer inside a
     firewall protected network.  You are at home, and decide that you
     would like to go over it.  You can not.  You can not reach your
     computer because it is behind the firewall.  You try to log into
     firewall first, but since everyone has proxy server access, no one
     has set up an account for you on it.

  �  Your daughter goes to college.  You want to email her.  You have
     some private things to talk about, and would rather have your mail
     sent directly to your machine.  You trust your systems
     administrator completely, but still, this is private mail.

  �  The inability to use UDP packets represents a big drawback with the
     proxy servers.  I imagine UDP capabilities will be coming shortly.

  FTP causes another problem with a proxy server.  When getting or doing
  an ls, the FTP server opens a socket on the client machine and sends
  the information through it.  A proxy server will not allow this, so
  FTP doesn't particularly work.

  And, proxy servers run slow.  Because of the greater overhead, almost
  any other means of getting this access will be faster.

  Basically, if you have the IP addresses, and you are not worried about
  security, do not use a firewall and/or proxy servers.  If you do not
  have the IP addresses, but you are also not worried about security,
  you might also want to look into using an IP emulator, like Term,
  Slirp or TIA.  Term is available from, Slirp is
  available from, and TIA is
  available from  These packages will run faster, allow
  better connections, and provide a greater level of access to the
  inside network from the internet.  Proxy servers are good for those
  networks which have a lot of hosts that will want to connect to the
  internet on the fly, with one setup and little work after that.

  9.  Advanced Configurations

  There is one configuration I would like to go over before wrapping
  this document up.  The one I have just outlined will probably suffice
  for most people.  However, I think the next outline will show a more
  advanced configuration that can clear up some questions.  If you have
  questions beyond what I have just covered, or are just interested in
  the versatility of proxy servers and firewalls, read on.

  9.1.  A large network with emphasis on security

  Say, for instance, you are the leader of millisha and you wish to
  network your site.  You have 50 computers and a subnet of 32 (5 bits)
  IP numbers.  You need various levels of access within your network
  because you tell your followers different things.  Therefore, you'll
  need to protect certain parts of the network from the rest.

  The levels are:

  1. The external level.  This is the level that gets shown to
     everybody. This is where you rant and rave to get new volunteers.

  2. Troop  This is the level of people who have gotten beyond the
     external level.  Here is where you teach them about the evail
     goverment and how to make bombs.

  3. Mercenary  Here is where the real plans are keep.  In this level is
     stored all the information on how the 3rd world goverment is going
     to take over the world, your plans involving Newt Gingrich,
     Oklahoma City, lown care products and what realy is stored in that
     hangers at area 51.

  9.1.1.  The Network Setup

  The IP numbers are arranged as:

  �  1 number is, which is the broadcast address and is
     not usable.

  �  23 of the 32 IP addresses are allocated to 23 machines that will be
     accessible to the internet.

  �  1 extra IP goes to a linux box on that network

  �  1 extra goes to a different linux box on that network.

  �  2 IP #'s go to the router

  �  4 are left over, but given domain names paul, ringo, john, and
     george, just to confuse things a bit.

  �  The protected networks both have the addresses

  Then, two separate networks are built, each in different rooms.  They
  are routed via infrared Ethernet so that they are completely invisible
  to the outside room.  Luckily, infrared ethernet works just like
  normal ethernet.

  These networks are each connected to one of the linux boxes with an
  extra IP address.

  There is a file server connecting the two protected networks.  This is
  because the plans for taking over the world involves some of the
  higher Troops.  The file server holds the address for the
  Troop network and for the Mercenary network.  It has to
  have different IP addresses because it has to have different Ethernet
  cards.  IP Forwarding on it is turned off.

  IP Forwarding on both Linux boxes is also turned off.  The router will
  not forward packets destined for unless explicitly told
  to do so, so the internet will not be able to get in.  The reason for
  turning off IP Forwarding here is so that packets from the Troop's
  network will not be able to reach the Mercenary network, and vica

  The NFS server can also be set to offer different files to the
  different networks.  This can come in handy, and a little trickery
  with symbolic links can make it so that the common files can be shared
  with all.  Using this setup and another ethernet card can offer this
  one file server for all three networks.

  9.1.2.  The Proxy Setup

  Now, since all three levels want to be able to monitor the network for
  their own devious purposes, all three need to have net access.  The
  external network is connected directly into the internet, so we don't
  have to mess with proxy servers here.  The Mercenary and Troop
  networks are behind firewalls, so it is necessary to set up proxy
  servers here.

  Both networks will be setup very similarly.  They both have the same
  IP addresses assigned to them.  I will throw in a couple of
  parameters, just to make things more interesting though.

  1. No one can use the file server for internet access.  This exposes
     the file server to viruses and other nasty things, and it is rather
     important, so its off limits.

  2. We will not allow troop access to the World Wide Web.  They are in
     training, and this kind of information retrieval power might prove
     to be damaging.

  So, the sockd.conf file on the Troop's linux box will have this line:


  and on the Mercenary machine:


  And, the Troop's linux box will have this line

      deny eq 80

  This says to deny access to all machines trying to access the port
  equal (eq) to 80, the http port.  This will still allow all other
  services, just deny Web access.

  Then, both files will have:


  to allow all the computers on the network to use this
  proxy server except for those that have already been denied (ie. the
  file server and Web access from the Troop network).

  The Troop's sockd.conf file will look like:

      deny eq 80

  and the Mercenary file will look like:


  This should configure everything correctly.  Each network is isolated
  accordingly, with the proper amount of interaction.  Everyone should
  be happy.

  Now, take over the world!