Authored 11/95 by Jonathan Katz. Fixed/revised April 10, 1996, not to
   mention slightly updated June 25, 1996 and "completed" October 26,
   1996, all by Jonathan Katz,
   _1 Introduction_
   Many people have recently bought new machines, which (unfortunatly)
   come pre-loaded with Windows 95. After exploring the Internet, many
   users find the likes of Linux, and want to run a better OS at a much
   better price. There are many different issues to address, because new
   computers usually come with large EIDE hard drives, and Windows 95 has
   extentions on the old FAT filesystem. Linux understands these issues
   and can handle these challenges in hardware and software.
   _2 Let's get Ready to Rumble!_
   Linux and Windows 95 can get along quite well on the same hard disk.
   You can also install Linux onto a separate hard disk on the same
   machine. If you have the money to spare to get a second hard disk, go
   ahead and do that. Although it is safe and reliable to run Windows 95
   and Linux on the same hard disk, it is safer to have a second disk.
   But, since I am a poor student, (and so are most of the people I know)
   we are stuck with one large disk.
   I assume your hard disk looks like this:

C:      |  800M or so, maybe bigger?

   and Windows 95 and MS-Office and Qmodem Pro, and whatever DOS/Windows
   software you have only takes up around 400M + Swap (this is a big,
   sarcastic assumption)! I take it you don't want to lose all this
   software you've spent a lot of time configuring and installing, so you
   don't want to delete this partition and restart all over again.
   _3 Ok, I have this partition I want to spare!_
   Don't lose hope. There is a program called FIPS, which can
   re-partition your Hard Disk without destroying data. HOWEVER, make
   sure before you use it, you defrag your hard disk (with the optimum
   defrag method). Use the defrag that came with Win95 and use it in the
   GUI-- otherwise you will loose your long file names. After you are all
   defraged, run FIPS and make your disk look something like the

C:      | This is your FAT/VFAT/Win95 partition
 450M   |
???     | This is empty space that starts BELOW the 1024th
        |       cylander

   FIPS can be found at your favorite Linux FTP sites (,, usually in the /pub/utils/msdos
   directory. If you have a CD for Linux, there is usually a \utils\msdos
   or \utils directory that has FIPS in it as well.
   It is _VERY IMPORTANT_ that your Linux partition start before (below)
   the 1024th cylander, otherwise you will be unable to boot it (and
   that's not a good thing).
   What exactly is the 1024th cylander? That's where IDE ends and EIDE
   begins-- that's the 528M "mark" on your hard disk. Start your Linux
   partition at around 520M, so the entire kernel and other boot/loader
   files will completely reside below that cylander.
   _4 What Next?_
   Go ahead and install Linux to that new free space. If you are
   paranoid, when the Linux install proceedure goes to boot, you can boot
   into Windows 95 and mak sure it still runs OK. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE
   listen to the advice given in the tail of section number three. You
   will be unable to use Linux otherwise.
   When it comes to piecing out the disk, if you are like most people,
   you'll make a 400M Linux partition (which is pretty comfortable) as
   well as 30M of SWAP (which is more than enough).
   At this point, you should be able to install whatever distribution of
   Linux you have without any troubles.
   _5 Using your new system!_
   Linux can mount, read, and write to Win95's VFAT partitions serveral
   ways. You can use the stock msdos filesystem support that has been
   included in all kernels greater than 1.0. However, using commands

litterbox~#: mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /mnt

   will only get you as far as filenames with the 8.3 standard. Yick! You
   have Windows 95 so you can use those nifty long file names.
   Some Linux users still run kernels that are anchient (by Linux
   standards). In other words, 1.2.xx kernels. Someone coded a module for
   this series of kernels so a user can read files that do not conform to
   the old 8.3 standard. FTP to and pick up
   a copy of README before doing anything.
   Finally, newer kernels (1.3.4x) as well as the long awaited 2.0
   RELEASE have internal vfat support that you can compile in. These
   kernels allow safe read/writes to your VFAT partitions.
   _NOTE:_ A word of caution!
   IF you are running a "newer" version of Windows 95-- i.e., possibly
   one that ships on computers made after June 1996 as well as the P5-MMX
   series please listen to the following.
   Check to see what version of Win95 you are really running. To do this,
   open up a DOS box and type: "ver /r". Here's some sample output:

C:\> ver /r

Mircosoft Windows 95 [4.00.1034]
        (C) 1981-1996 Microsoft Corporation.

   Note the minor revision number. If the number is GREATER than 950 you
   may be running a version of the FAT partition type known as FAT32. If
   that is the case, you can still use Linux and Win95, HOWEVER, there is
   NO support to read/write a FAT32 partition. You are SOL if that is the
   Just because you are running a newer version of Win95 doesn't mean
   that you are running FAT32. Load up "fdisk" and use the "display
   partition information" option to show indeed if you are using FAT32.
   _5.1 HELP!, I'm stuck with FAT32!_
   _5.1.2.1 I have this brand new box that I got from (unamed
   chain/retail store)_
   If you are installing Linux onto a drive with FAT32 follow the steps
   from above about installing Linux onto a Win95 system, but do NOT
   install LILO. Instead, skip to section 5.1.3 entitled "linload, what's
   that?" and read the step-by-step workaround for this unfortunate
   _5.1.2.2 I messed up-- big time!_
   This happened to me-- I was running a Win95 beta with FAT32 installed,
   I upgrade Win95, and my system died. I didn't have a Win95 boot disk
   for the version of Win95 I just upgraded to. Here's a little work
   Find ANY MS boot disk made using DOS version 5.0 or greater. Under
   Linux mount the Win95 Beta CD. Mount the floppy as well.

litterbox~# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom
litterbox~# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt

   On the CD find the "beta stuff" directory. The MS people move this
   location around... try /cdrom/admin/beta/floppy,
   /cdrom/betaonly/floppy. cp the files io.sys, msdos.sys, and to the floppy. "sync" and unmount the disks you mounted.
   Do a reboot and that boot disk *should* work.
   _5.1.3 Linload, What's That?_
   Linload is a DOS execuatble which loads a kernel image from a DOS HD
   (or floppy) and then boots the rest of the Linux Operating System from
   an appropriate root partition. If you're really a good hacker, you can
   do a floppyless Linux install this way, but today we are going to do
   more traditional uses. When booting into Windows 95 hit the F8 key

Starting Windows 95...

   is displayed) and select "Safe mode, command prompt only." Go to your
   directory where you put your kernel and run

C:\LINUX> linload.exe zimage root=/dev/hda2 ro"

   from there. If you are any good with MS-DOS setups, you can code
   multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, so that you have a menu
   setup and can choose which OS to boot.
   _6 Problems?_
   In the reverse of the begining scenario (you have a working Linux box
   and are forced by some power to install Windows 95) Windows 95 WILL
   overwrite your MBR, and thus crush LILO. You have two options: use
   loadlin.exe to load your kernel, and use that to run Linux, or boot
   Linux using a floppy and/or loadlin, then re-install LILO.
   Best of luck with your new system!

+1 217 479-7309
Box 4454 MacMurray College
Jacksonville, Illinois 62650