* These are source files from NetBSD-current from 94/01/09, adapted for Linux.

* I upload new versions onto sunacm.swan.ac.uk, ftp.funet.fi and
  sunacm is also mirrored by sunsite...

* You should have the C library 4.5.19 or higher, gcc 2.5.7 or higher,
  linux kernel version 0.99.15 or higher.

* If you want to have shadow password support, install the "shadow-3.3.1"

* If you do *not* want to have shadow password support, edit the Makefile
  from the ftpd package.

* Copy from the "Install" directory the files rusers.h, rusers.x, rnusers.h,
  rnusers.x, rwall.h rwall.x  into "/usr/include/rpcsvc".

* Copy the file "Install/services" into "/etc". Also have a look at

* To install e.g. the "finger"-package, you have to do:
  - ./Extract finger
  - cd finger
  - make install
  - cd ..
  - rm -fr finger

* Some packages need other packages to be extracted. E.g. "ftpd" needs also
  the ftp package to be extracted in the current directory.

* All source codes (.tar.gz files), which do not have a corresponding context
  diff file (.dif), are not yet changed for Linux.

* Mail all changes and bug-fixes to rzsfl@rz.uni-sb.de or flla@stud.uni-sb.de.

* Programs like "rwho" are not in here. My own opinion is that they waste
  bandwidth, since they make regular broadcasts. People should be happy
  with other programs like finger, if they need any information.
  But I wouldn't refuse an upload, if someone else really wants to have them.


* ftp to a slow site and do "ls -ltr" a lot of times. ftp will get stuck and
  there will be a "CLOSE" connection, that will not vanish for days.

* Do "telnet localhost chargen" and end it with Ctrl-C. The process will hang.
  You will have to go to another console and kill it with a HANGUP signal.

* "rsh" is known to have a problem: A stopped rsh command will block the
  port, so that other rsh commands will hang. Alan Cox has promised to fix
  this in the kernel.

* Do not use this version of tcpdump in here. It is newer than the other
  linux port, but by far not ported yet.

* I have adapted 'timed' to compile. I am not able to test it. If someone
  wants to debug it for Linux, go ahead.

Florian  La Roche   rzsfl@rz.uni-sb.de  flla@stud.uni-sb.de